ActionData - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
A value object to hold action data entered on a <a:action/> tag.
ActionData() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Default constructor.
ActionData(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Constructor populating all members.
ActionTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:action/> tag.
ActionTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
addAction(ActionTag) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Adds an action by reading the values on an action tag.
addDependent(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Adds a single dependent to the list of dependents.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Adds any header other than Content-Type.
addParam(ParamTag) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Adds a param by reading the values from the tag.
addReference(ReferenceBase) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Empty implementation.
addReference(ReferenceBase) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
asString(Object) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Returns a String representation of the object parameter.
ATagBase - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Base class for the ATag family of tag handlers.
Provides common support methods to subclasses.
ATagBase() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
ATagContext - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.servlet
This class provides definition tags with information about the refering reference.
ATagFilter - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.servlet
This class is the ATag controller.
ATagFilter() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagFilter
ATagRequest - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.servlet
Constants and methods used for Request parameters and attributes mapping and retrival.
ATagRequest() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
ATRIBUTE_ATAG_CONTEXT - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Attribute key used for mapping that ATagContext.
ATRIBUTE_COMPONENT_SET - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Attribute key used for mapping a java.util.Set of component ids that have been rendered embedded in a panel.
ATRIBUTE_SCHEDULES_MAP - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Attribute key used for mapping a java.util.Map of schedule intervals mapped against the component id, for any component using auto refresh.
AutoRefreshTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:autoRefresh/> tag.
AutoRefreshTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.AutoRefreshTag


beginRenderPhase() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Used to disable the warning system for app controller attemting to write to the response when handeling an ATag event.
ByteArrayServletOutputStream - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.servlet
A ServletOutputStream implementation that buffers the bytes written to it in a ByteArrayOutputStream.
ByteArrayServletOutputStream() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ByteArrayServletOutputStream


capFirstChar(String) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Capitalizes the first char of a given String.
compileActions(Map) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Creates a String that contains all event handler attributes for this component.
ComponentRefTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:componentRef/> tag.
ComponentRefTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ComponentRefTag
ComponentTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:component/> tag.
ComponentTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ComponentTag
ContainerBase - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Base class for container tags.
ContainerBase() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
contains(Collection, Object) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ELFunctions
Searches a Collection for presence of a given object.
contains(Object[], Object) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ELFunctions
Searches an array for presence of a given object.
containsAll(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ELFunctions
Searches a Collection for presence of a given collection.
containsAll(Collection, Object[]) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ELFunctions
Searches a Collection for presence of a given array.
containsAll(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ELFunctions
Searches an array for presence of a given array.
containsAll(Object[], Collection) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ELFunctions
Searches an array for presence of a given collection.
CONTEXT_PARAM_BIND - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Name of context parameter containing the bind value of the component.
CONTEXT_PARAM_ID - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Name of context parameter containing the id of the component.
CONTEXT_PARAM_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Name of context parameter containing the paramName of the component.
CONTEXT_PARAM_TYPE - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Name of context parameter containing the type of the component.
CONTEXT_PARAM_VIEW_URL - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Name of context parameter containing the view url value of the component.
createAttribute(String, Object) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a single attribute for insertion into x/html tags.
createCSV(Collection, boolean) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a comma separated String, given a Collection of objects.
createDelimitedString(Collection, char, boolean) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a delimited String, given a Collection of objects.
createEventHandlerFunct(String) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a javascript call to the ATag event handler function.
createEventHandlerFunctForm(String) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a javascript call to the ATag event handler function.
createLitralJSArray(Collection, boolean) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a literal javascript array.


destroy() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagFilter
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.AutoRefreshTag
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ComponentTag
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PanelTag
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
doEndTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagFilter
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.AutoRefreshTag
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ComponentTag
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Default implementation that returns EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED.
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PanelTag
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
doStartTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase


ELFunctions - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Some array and collection functions exposed by ATag.


flushBuffer() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
flushes the internal buffers.


getActions(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Returns all actions registered for the given event type.
getActions() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Retuens a Map of ActionData instances mapped against the action type.
getAlias() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the short name of the refering reference.
getAsync() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
getATagContext(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Returns the current ATagContect.
getATagContext() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the current ATagContext instance.
getBind() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getBindPath() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the bind attribute assigned to the reference that this context represents.
getBytes() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ByteArrayServletOutputStream
Returns the buffered bytes.
getComponentSet(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Returns a Set of component Ids that have been rendered during the scope of a panel.
getContent() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Retunrs the template body of the tag.
getContent() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
getContentBytes() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Returns bufferd data as a byte[].
getContentString() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Returns bufferd data as a String.
getContextPath() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns web application context path
getContollerUrl() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Returns controller url attribute.
getCssClass() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getDebug() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
getDependents() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getDependents() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
getDependentsList() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Returns a Set of component ids (String) that should be refreshed when this component fires an event.
getEvent() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Returns the name of event this action is registered for.
getEvent() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
getFullViewUrl() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the view url resolved using the viewPrefix and viewSuffix configuration parameters.
getInitialContext() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the first context created during the scope of this request.
getInterval() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.AutoRefreshTag
getName() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
getNamingContext() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the full id of the refering reference.
getOutputStream() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Gets the buffred bin Stream.
getParamName() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the paramName attribute assigned to the reference that this context represents.
getParamName() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getParams() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns a Properties instance populated with custom params added to the reference that this context represents.
getParams() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Retuens a Map of parameter values mapped against their name.
getParamsCSV() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Returns a semicolon ';' separated list of name/values, separated by and equals '=' sign.
getParentTag() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the parent container of this tag.
getPostForm() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
getPostForm() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
getRefererId() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the full id of the refering reference.
getRefId() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the full id of the reference that this context represents.
getRefresh() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getRender() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getRender() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
getRequest() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the current HttpServletRequest object
getResponse() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns the current HttpServletResponse object
getSchedules(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
getSchedulesMap(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Returns a Map of schedule info mapped against component id of any components initiating or stopping a schedule during the scope of a request.
getScriptLocation() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
getStyle() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getTagId() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Returns full id of the tag by appending the value of id attribute to the namespace derived from the ATag component hierarchy.
getText() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getType() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the type of component the associated reference is refering to.
getType() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
getUrl() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Returns the location where events should be posted.
getUrl() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
getValue() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
getValueFromBindPath(PageContext, String) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Attempts to retrieve an object from any of the webapp scopes, given the path to the object.
getViewPrefix() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the viewPrefix configuration parameter
getViewSuffix() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the viewSuffix configuration parameter
getViewUrl() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the viewUrl attribute assigned to the reference that this context represents.
getViewUrl() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Returns the viewUrl attribute.
getWriter() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Gets the buffered Writer.


hasContent() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Retunrs true if the underlying tag has a template body


init(FilterConfig) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagFilter
insertAttributes(String, String) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Looks in the content parameter for the first occurance of an x/html element, and inserts the attributes parameter into that element.
isCommitted() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Will always return false.
isInitial() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns true if this context is the first context created during the scope of this request.
isParentDependent() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Returns true if the parent of this tag is in its dependents list.
isPostForm() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Retuns true if the action posts the entire form.
isRender() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Returns the render attribute assigned to the reference that this context represents.


mapToStringList(Map, char) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Creates a List of Strings by joining the key value of every entry in the map, with its associated value, separated by the separator char.


newInstance(ATagContext) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Creates an instance of ATagContext given the current context.
nl.imsystems.atag.servlet - package nl.imsystems.atag.servlet
Package Specification
nl.imsystems.atag.tags - package nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Package Specification
nl.imsystems.atag.util - package nl.imsystems.atag.util
Package Specification


PageTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:page/> tag.
PageTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
PanelRefTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:panelRef/> tag.
PanelRefTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PanelRefTag
PanelTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:panel/> tag.
PanelTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PanelTag
PARAM_PREFIX - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Prefix used by ATag parameters when posting requests from the client.
ParamTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:param/> tag.
ParamTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
popContext(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Puts the previous context on the request scope.
pushContext(HttpServletRequest, ATagContext) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Pushes the given context on the request scope.
putAllParams(Map) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Populates the custom params using values in the Map.


ReferenceBase - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:action/> tag.
ReferenceBase(String) - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
release() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ComponentTag
release() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Resets the Tag handler.
release() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
release() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PanelTag
release() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
release() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
REQUEST_PARAM_CONTEXTS - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Full name of the request parameter containing the list of contexts.
REQUEST_PARAM_EVENT - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Full name of the request parameter containing the event type value.
REQUEST_PARAM_RENDER_EVENT_SRC - Static variable in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagRequest
Full name of the request parameter containing a boolean value that determines if the event source component should be refreshed.
reset() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Does nothing.
resetBuffer() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Does nothing.
resetStreams() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Resets the buffers so that the response object can be used to render the next component.
resolveRelativeName(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ATagBase
Resolves a relative path to a component.
resolveRelativePath(String, String, char) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Resolves a relative path such as ../../path/to/it.
ResponseWrapper - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.servlet
Wraps a HttpServletResponse in order to buffer output written to the streams by individual components.
ResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper


setAsync(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
setBind(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setBindPath(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the bind value.
setContent(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Sets the template body of the tag.
setContentType(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ResponseWrapper
Does nothing.
setControllerUrl(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Sets the controllerUrl attribute.
setCssClass(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setDebug(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
setDependents(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Sets the dependent given a comma separated list of relative or absolute ids.
setDependents(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setDependents(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
setEvent(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Sets the event that should trigger this action.
setEvent(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
setInitialContext(ATagContext) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets theinitial context value
setInterval(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.AutoRefreshTag
setName(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
setParamName(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the param name value.
setParamName(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setPostForm(boolean) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Set true to post entire form as opposed to a single component
setPostForm(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
setPostForm(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
setRefId(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Set the full id value
setRefresh(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setRender(boolean) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the render value
setRender(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setRender(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
setScriptLocation(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.PageTag
setStyle(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setText(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ReferenceBase
setType(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the type value
setUrl(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionData
Sets the location where events are posted.
setUrl(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ActionTag
setValue(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ParamTag
setViewPrefix(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the viewPrefix configuration parameter.
setViewSuffix(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the viewSuffix configuration parameter.
setViewUrl(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Sets the viewUrl attribute.
setViewUrl(String) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.ContainerBase
Sets the viewUrl attribute.


tokenize(String, String) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Tokenizes a given String.
tokenize(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class nl.imsystems.atag.util.Utils
Tokenizes a given String.
toString() - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ATagContext
Debug info


Utils - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.util
Support functions used by ATag.


WrapperTag - Class in nl.imsystems.atag.tags
Tag handler for <a:wrapper/> tag.
WrapperTag() - Constructor for class nl.imsystems.atag.tags.WrapperTag
write(int) - Method in class nl.imsystems.atag.servlet.ByteArrayServletOutputStream
Writes a byte to the buffer.